Radiative Cooling Principle

• These solar cells operate using a   process called radiative cooling. • They emit heat as infrared light   during the night, similar to how the   Earth cools by radiating heat into   space.

Reverse Operation

• Unlike conventional solar cells that   absorb sunlight, these cells work in   reverse. • They produce power by radiating   heat back into the cold night sky.

Diode Technology

• The cells use a diode to create a one-   way electron traffic signal. • The diode is made of mercury   cadmium telluride (MCT), which   absorbs mid- and long-range infrared   light.

Limited Power Generation

• The prototype generates a small   amount of power. • It’s unlikely to be a standalone   renewable energy source but can   complement existing photovoltaic   technology.

Efficiency Potential

• Researchers estimate that this   technology could ultimately produce   about 1/10th of the power generated   by a solar cell.

Early Days

• While the current output is low,   there’s potential for significant   development in the future. • Combining it with traditional solar   cells could enhance overall energy   production.